Join Bristol Yacht Club!
Founded in 1899, Bristol Yacht Club has a long and established tradition for promoting excellence of sportsmanship and camaraderie in all aspects of yachting, on and off the water. We pride ourselves in being fierce racing competitors on the water and compatriots on shore. We will do everything we can to beat you to the finish line and then be found comfortably sitting with you over dinner discussing the evening’s race.
Bristol Yacht Club welcomes applications for individual and family memberships. Our guiding principle for membership is that you have a “demonstrated interest in yachting.” We welcome all who embrace boating in its many facets to include cruising, racing, sail instruction and their related social activities. Please take some time to peruse our website to see if your nautical goals can be achieved as a member of our Club.
Juniors applying for Intermediate membership need only notify the Membership Committee by email or letter. Any questions or concerns regarding the application process please contact the membership chair:
We are currently at our membership cap for Senior Membership and only accepting applications to be put on a waiting list. To view the current waitlist CLICK HERE.
If you have any difficulty completing the application please contact the membership chair. The preferred browser for completion of the form is Chrome.
Ages 18 - 34
Ages 35+

Discover the Benefits of Bristol Yacht Club Membership...
Club Atmosphere: Bristol Yacht Club is a relaxed, friendly place, away from the traffic and the crowds, yet located in the geographic center of Narragansett Bay. Our professional staff is cordial, helpful and member friendly. Our grassy grounds are dotted with shade trees and our large front lawn is a welcome spot. The Club is a place of relaxation and a port of destination for many visiting yacht clubs throughout the summer.
The Town of Bristol's Fourth of July celebration, featuring the largest and oldest Fourth of July parade in the country along with a breathtaking "over the harbor" fireworks display, is an especially fun and busy time at the Club.
Facilities: Our Clubhouse and waterfront are impeccably maintained. We have an outdoor barbecue area, children's slides and swings, a convenient parking lot, showers, boat ramp, dinghy float space and racks, launch service, dockside water and ice, gear lockers, short term docking, overnight docking for repairs and provisioning and a magnificent Clubhouse featuring two decks, a large multi-functional room and a full-service bar.​ Members may rent Clubhouse facilities for private parties such as weddings, showers, birthdays, anniversaries, graduation parties and business meetings.
Mooring Area: Our mooring area is a broad semi-circle east of the Club dock with good water depth and excellent holding. The Town of Bristol manages the area in a safe and efficient manner. The Harbormaster's office keeps watch over the harbor and provides mooring side pumpout services. The Club operates two Coast Guard inspected launches from May through October. The Club also maintains two moorings just outside of Potters Cove on Prudence Island for the exclusive use of members.
Club Programs: We invite you to learn more about opportunities available to you as a BYC member by exploring our website. Click on the buttons below to learn about our various programs.