Join us for a cruise! - 2025

The BYC Cruise Committee has planned an exciting summer of cruising options. With short legs and interesting ports of call, BYC cruises are ideal for small as well as large boats, and inviting for children.
Here is a list of cruises that have been organized for 2025.
Registration started for some cruises on April 1. Many of the ports the cruises are going to are already accepting reservations on Dockwa. Click Here for mooring reservation information.
Memorial Day Cruise - May 24 - 26
BYC will be going to Wickford for the first cruise of the year. We’ll have a potluck dinner at Wickford Yacht Club (WYC) on Sunday evening and dinner in town on Saturday night. Come join us to welcome the cruising season of 2025. Click here to sign up. Sign-up deadline: May 21. Contact: Barbara Petrocelli​
​​Gaspee Days Cruise - June 13 - 15
The Gaspee Day Cruise takes us to Rhode Island Yacht Club to enjoy the historic Gaspee Day Parade. Like previous years, events for this cruise will include the parade itself on Saturday at 10:00 am as well as numerous social gatherings at the Rhode Island Yacht Club. Sign up to join this cruise here and reserve a slips or mooring via Dockwa using this link. Please make a note that you are part of the Bristol Group. Please reserve early as quantities are limited. Sign-up deadline: May 31. Contact: Tom Dawson
Late June Cruise - June 20 - 21
In late June, BYC members are invited to cruise to Dutch Harbor on Jamestown Island for a quick overnight cruise. Moorings are available through DockWa using this link or cruisers can anchor in the anchorage area towards the north end of the harbor. We will gather for a potluck dinner at the picnic area at the Dutch Harbor Boat Yard at 1800. Sign up for the cruise - click here.
Annual Week-Long Summer Cruise - July 12 - 20
The annual cruise is headed west this year, with visits to Block Island, Shelter Island, Sag Harbor, Fishers Island, and Dutch Harbor. Fishers Island will be a first for the annual cruise, and the cruise committee is very excited about visiting someplace new. Sign-up deadline: June 1. Click here to visit the Annual Cruise page where you will find more information on the cruise and sign up links.​
In Bay Cruise Week Long Cruise - August 2 - 9
Join fellow BYC members on either a two-day cruise over the weekend or for the entire week. More information is available on In Bay Cruise Week webpage. Sign-up deadline: July 15. Contact: Roland Gendreau and Bruce Winter
Maine Cruise - July 27 - August 17
The cruise to Maine is a biannual cruise scheduled for three weeks!! This allows people to explore the beautiful Maine coast at a relaxed pace. There are a small number of planned gatherings, but sometimes subgroups will pick a destination to go to for a few days. This cruise also provides the opportunity for doing an overnight passage, which many cruisers do. Click Here to learn more.
​​September Cruise - September 20 - 21
Let's do a little fall weekend cruise down to Newport! Land and sea cruisers will meet for dinner on Saturday, September 20. Oldport mooring reservations will open up on 4/1/25. Plan to reserve yours now. Use this link to make your reservation starting on 4/1/25